Screenplay adaptations
Adapting novels into screenplays is a fine art. Sometimes the journey from one form into another can require the invention of new through-lines, characters and events that are more cinematic. Sometimes screenplay adaptations can be 'easier' because the source material is more cinematic. Some novels lack a cinematic story line that can be grafted into the screenplay structure easily, however; so in adapting these, a screenwriter must be innovative and subtle.
I enjoy doing screen adaptations. It's a screenwriting discipline that requires a completely dedicated and distinct screenwriting skill set. I am also a playwright. I can therefore adapt stage plays to the screen. Get in touch to find out more about my book to screen adaptation, and stage to screen (or visa versa) services.
Please get in touch to find out more about my screenplay adaptations service.
My professional screenwriting and feature and TV film script consultancy services include: film screenplay writing; film script development; film script polishing; film script doctoring; film script reporting/analysis; film treatment writing; screenplay adaptations; stageplay to screenplay adaptations; short film script writing; screenwriting mentoring